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How Childhood Trauma Impacts Mental Health (According to the ACEs)

In 1995, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) was launched, probing the histories of 17,000 children and adolescents. This is the largest and most influential study of the relationship between childhood adversity and long-term health. It showed that exposure to overwhelming and traumatic experiences in one’s childhood has lifelong consequences for individuals. The more trauma a child experiences, the more they are at risk for harmful thinking and behaviour patterns. Findings in the study showed that early-life adversity increased the risk for several of the leading causes of death in adults, including depression, anxiety, diabetes and heart disease. (more…)

The Best Psychotherapies to Heal from Trauma and Anxiety

Do you ever feel like your emotions overtake you? It’s as if anger, anxiety, panic, fear, sadness or numbness, hijacks your body. Many times when we’ve experienced something that is overwhelming, or traumatic, be it little t or big t trauma, the brain can get hijacked by stressors long after the trauma is over. Here’s what happens and how you can feel like you’re more in control of your emotions. 

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Are Suppressed Emotions Making You Anxious?

I see a lot of clients wanting help for their anxiety symptoms. Sometimes their anxiety is connected to the things that are going on in their lives. Other times, their anxiety isn’t explicitly related to any situation or event in their life. They report feeling anxious for no apparent reason.

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Feeling Angry? Beyond anger management tools

Anger can be an intense emotion making many individuals afraid of their anger or view it as inappropriate. When anger is misdirected, it can lead to poor decisions, interfere with relatAnger management Toronto psychotherapistionships and can do harm to others. However, like all emotions, anger has a purpose. It serves to protect us. When channeled correctly, anger is a natural and healthy response to anything that is a threat to our emotional, mental and physical security. read more…

Are you in a Codependent Relationship?

Codependency is a term that is thrown around these days. While there are various definitions, there are several characteristics that most therapists have agreed upon. Codependent relationships can exist between spouses, children and parents, friends, colleagues, etc. For simplicity, I’ll be using the term partner.

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Are Feelings Uncomfortable for you? Try this.

When you think of a phobia, what comes to mind? Perhaps spiders, flying, and heights? What about a phobia of your feelings and bodily sensations? Such fears and phobias are not as uncommon as one would think.
Fear Emotions Toronto CounsellingOur inner experience is what we think, feel, remember, sense, decide, plan and predict. Our inner experiences are powerful and influence negative beliefs and feelings or reactions to the past. This can interfere with your current life. While avoiding inner experiences allows you to avoid the uncomfortable feelings, avoiding them does not give you the opportunity to shift them so that they no longer have control over you. If your avoidance is significant, you might have a phobia of your inner experiences, including your emotions and bodily sensations.

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How to Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder

The winter months can mean hibernation for many with the dark and dreartoronto therapist seasonal affective disordery days of winter here in Toronto. The lack of sunlight and colder weather can have a profound impact on our mood. It can leave us feeling depressed, tired, withdrawn and unmotivated. If you live in Toronto, you’ve probably heard about or may have experienced seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


What is Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that typically occurs during the fall and winter months when the days get shorter, and there’s a decrease in daylight hours. It’s also referred to as the winter blues.

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The Benefits of Self-Compassion & 6 Steps to Get Started

Why is it so difficult to show ourselves compassion? Perhaps you feel undeserving of it? Do you associate self-compassion with self-indulgence or self-pity? Self-compassion can be challenging, especially when criticism rather than compassion is or has been used to motivate and modify behaviour. While breaking free from the pattern of self-criticism can be difficult, self-compassion is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Research shows that self-compassion is a powerful medicine, with a positive and restorative influence upon our physical, mental and emotional well-being

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Are your Beliefs Sabotaging You?

Do you struggle with self-esteem or confidence? Or perhaps there are negative beliefs you have about yourself or the world. While it may seem that this is just how your life is and will be, I want to tell you that you do have the capability to shift the beliefs you have about yourself. 

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How Exercise Helps with Anxiety

The benefits of exercise have been long established. We know that sitting for extended periods of time is bad for many areas of our health. It reduces blood circulation, weakens your muscles, and increase the risk for diseases like obesity, heart disease and cancer. Inactivity is also detrimental to our mental health. Daily exercise is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and depression. Research has shown the incredibly strong relationship between anxiety and inactivity.

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